As golfers, we’ve been told for years that we need “more lag” in our golf swings… But a funny thing happened when we took a look at the golf swing using the latest technology… We discovered that having too MUCH lag is just as bad as having too LITTLE lag! In today’s lesson, Tom is going […]
Author Archive | Tom Stickney
Quick Tip to Add Distance to Your Drives
Today I want to give you a quick tip that will help you add distance to your drives, and do it without working hard to do so! The key is making sure your swing reaches its maximum velocity at the perfect point in the swing… right at impact as the club is moving through the ball. Where […]
Eliminate the Outside to In Golf Swing
One of the most common swing flaws is an “outside-to-in” swing path… It is a major contributor to the slice and also robs you of power. There are a number of ways to learn the proper “inside-to-out” motion, and I encourage you to try them all to find the one that “clicks” for you. In […]
How to Hit Fairway Woods
We’ve gotten several emails recently asking about how to hit fairway woods. And so I put together this short video for you with a couple of easy tips that will get you hitting the ball more solidly. Hope you enjoyed it! And if you did go ahead and click the button above to share it on […]
Measuring Where on the Club Face You Make Contact
Scott wrote in asking how to get more consistent hitting the sweet spot. It’s a great question because hitting the sweet spot is something that comes up a lot over at The Perfect Impact System. As you probably already know, it is one of the “Impact Factors” that we talk about. Bottom line is if […]
Escape the Bunker – Day 7 of 7
Believe it or not we’re already at Day 7 of our “7 Days to Escape the Bunker” series! We covered a lot in the first 6 lessons… First we talked about your set up… thing like ball position, spinal tilt, and club face angle… Then we talked about the swing itself when we got into […]
Escape the Bunker – Day 6 of 7
Welcome to Day 6 of “7 Days to Escape the Bunker” series! We’ve covered a lot of ground over the last few weeks and hopefully you’ve been experimenting with these tips in your game. Spend just a little time each week practicing what we’ve been talking about and I guarantee you will start to get […]
Escape the Bunker – Day 5 of 7
Welcome to Day 5 of “7 Days to Escape the Bunker” series! The bunker shot is the only shot in golf where your club face doesn’t make direct contact with the ball. When executed correctly, there is a layer of sand between your club and the ball… and the key is to consistently take the […]
Escape the Bunker – Day 4 of 7
Welcome to Day 4 of “7 Days to Escape the Bunker” series. I really appreciate all the emails we’ve gotten and I’m glad that so many of you are enjoying the videos! OK in this 4th lesson we are going to talk about your wrist hinge. One of the most common mistakes I see is […]
Escape the Bunker – Day 3 of 7
Welcome to Day 3 of “7 Days to Escape the Bunker” series. If you are struggling with your bunker shots than these 7 tips will help you get up and down and save a bunch of strokes next time you play. OK in this 3rd lesson we are going to talk about your club face […]