In the last 2 lessons we talked about chipping and bunkers… and I hope you’ve had the chance to try out the tips I gave you.
Today it’s time to turn our attention to the 3rd and final part of the short game… pitching!
This is a shot you’ll hit many times during a round of golf, and an area of the game where you can save a boat load of strokes with the proper technique…
Now the secret to pitching is having many different types of shots at your disposal.
Some times you’ll need to get the ball high in the air so it lands soft and stops quickly…
Other times you’ll get better control playing a low shot that lands and rolls out to the hole.
And so today we are going to talk about one of the shot types you must have in your arsenal… the flop shot.
This shot can easily save your a couple of strokes the next time you need to get the ball up high over an obstacle or stop it quick to get close to a tight pin.
And it’s also a great shot to impress your golfing buddies!
So take a look, and be sure to watch the video all the way to the end for a very special announcement![/text_block]

And thanks to everyone who took the time to leave a comment or shoot us an email this week…
It’s been awesome hearing from everyone who has taken the time to try out the things we talked about and is already saving strokes and finding improvements in their short game!
Your game will improve tremendously just by applying what we’ve covered in the last 3 lessons.
But after hearing from so many of you it’s obvious that many of you want to go even deeper… beyond just the basics.
So if you want to save more pars, leave yourself shorter putts, and get more up and downs, then I have an exciting announcement for you…
The videos we’ve been sharing with you are actually part of a program we offer called the Short Game Ninja.
It’s an online course that has been carefully crafted to supercharge your short game.
Here’s just a few things you’ll learn inside the Short Game Ninja:[/text_block]

- How to get it out of the sand every time… even from the deepest bunkers and worst lies
- The FULL range of pitch shots to maximize your up and down chances from ANY position… Take the teeth out of every tricky shot, tight pin, and awkward lie and never be stumped again around the green
- The most powerful drills for each area of the short game… designed to hammer perfect technique into your muscle memory as quickly as humanly possible

The Short Game Ninja is NOT available for sale anywhere on our website…

But after hearing from so many of you it seemed only fair to give you a chance to pick up a copy…
And so I’ve put together a special page where you can get access without having to purchase our Perfect Impact System training program first…
And the best part is…[/text_block]

If you pick up a copy of The Short Game Ninja today I’m going to give you a special discounted price!

Talk soon,
Tom & Aaron[/text_block]