Discover the Simple, Swing-Transformation “Blueprint” that Guarantees a Great Golf Shot…

(Mess This Up and You Don’t Stand a Chance)

The Perfect Impact System – Core Videos

With easy to follow step-by-step instructions, Tom breaks down exactly how to master the 4 Impact Factors, including his very best drills for ingraining the proper motions into your game.
The program is ideal for players of all ability levels…
If you’re a beginner, it will teach you everything you need to know to get into the Perfect Impact position, starting with your set up and stance and then moving onto the dynamic motions of your Swing Path and Low Point.
And if you’re more advanced, it will fine-tune your impact position, giving your more power and more consistency…
Here are just a few of the things you’ll learn inside the Perfect Impact System:[/text_block]

- The final word on all aspects of the set up, including grip, stance, ball position, posture, and alignment… but not just the basic advice you’ve read 100 times… you’ll learn simple but powerful adjustments for bigger golfers, smaller golfers, and golfers with less flexibility… all with an eye towards mastering the critical impact position
- The “magic” move that starts your downswing and forces the club into an “inside swing path” for maximum power… Learn to execute this move correctly and you will soon be launching powerful, controlled draw shots
- 6 simple yet critical swing plane checkpoints… these checkpoints take all of the mystery out of the swing plane, and practically guarantee you get maximum power with less effort in your swing
- 2 extremely common takeaway mistakes that make solid contact at impact impossible… and how to eradicate them from your swing forever
- The subtle mistakes in your set up that subconsciously create swing flaws and destroy your impact position… and more importantly how to banish them from your game
- A powerful drill for mastering the Swing Path… this deceptively easy drill will groove a powerful and consistent swing, while eradicating your slice
- The 2 super-common and super-deadly pivot mistakes made by most amateurs… Make one of these and you have almost no chance of making consistent contact
- A simple yet often overlooked principle of alignment… if you don’t follow this rule you risk developing the dreaded “over the top” move (a very common move that leads to a slice)
- Tom’s 4 favorite drills for mastering the impact position… tested and refined in thousands of lessons for ultimate potency and results
- And much, much more!

Bonus #1 – 7 Days to Longer Drives ($19.99 Value)

Not only does it make the game more fun, but it’s a great way to impress your golfing partners! Let’s face it… you don’t want to be the shortest hitter in your foursome…
But it’s not just about bragging rights… Golf gets a lot easier when you pick up 10, 20, or 30 yards off the tee. It can mean the difference between hitting a 4 iron and a 7 iron approach to the green.
Now make no mistake about it… you’ll uncover a lot of power when you implement the techniques we talk about in the Perfect Impact System…
But it turns out there are several ways you can “hack” the swing to pick up extra yards off the tee…
And that’s exactly what “7 Days to Longer Drives” was designed to do.
The series consists of the 7 “ninja tricks” Tom has identified to unlock 10, 20, or even 30+ yards in your tee shots with making major swing changes…
You are going to LOVE this bonus…
And you won’t believe how simple it can be to pick up extra yards with your drives!
In this series you will learn…[/text_block]

- The single simplest way you’ll ever find to pick up extra yards, period… (HINT: it happens before you even stand up to the ball)
- What Michelle Wie’s swing can teach you about generating clubhead speed…
- A weird tip for bombing your driver that was inspired by Mike Tyson… This works especially good for guys with a few extra pounds…
- 4 more unbelievably quick ways to access your untapped reserves of power… all without swinging “harder” or sacrificing accuracy

Bonus #2 – Fix Your Faults ($49.95 Value)

Take you from wherever you’re at now and fix your major flaws… Straighten out the worst slices and hooks and get you hitting the ball more solidly.
Fix Your Faults includes all 4 Golfing Achilles Heels… but that is just the beginning…
Whether you’re suffering from a slice, a hook, fat shots, tops & thins… the skied driver, the shanks, general inconsistency, or a loss of power…
Fix Your Faults has you covered…
With practical drills that you can take to the range, not only will it teach you to fix whatever mishit is currently plaguing your game…
It will give you a virtual check list you can use to correct your swing ANY time it goes awry…
Turning YOU into your own best swing coach…
Imagine being able to self-diagnose and fix your own swing… so that next time you start slicing, hooking, hitting it thin or hitting it fat… you’ll know exactly why… and how to correct it.
You will learn…[/text_block]

- A checklist to cure your slice, including drills to straighten out the old banana ball even if you’ve been fighting it for years…
- How the get your power back on those days when you just “don’t have it”
- Learn to fix your own swing anytime you start slicing, hooking, hitting it thin or hitting it fat…

Bonus #3 – Practice That Actually Lowers Your Score ($39.99 Value)

And so that is what this 3rd bonus video is all about. Practice That Actually Lowers Your Score is designed to not only ingrain the Perfect Impact System as quickly and easily as possible, but to totally change how you look at practice.
Say goodbye to hitting endless buckets of balls only to leave the range unsure if your swing is any better. In this video, you’ll learn how to practice the things that will directly lead to lower scores on the course…
How to implement swing changes and pound them into your muscle memory as fast as possible…
And how to naturally develop feel and control… at the driving range, on the practice green, on the pitching green, and on the course.
You will discover:[/text_block]

- A new approach to hitting balls on the range… learn how to quickly implement swing changes, forcing them into your muscle memory
- How Jack Nicklaus got away with spending less time on the range than his contemporaries… and how you can use the exact same principles in your game for maximum improvement in minimum time

Your order comes with a 2 month no-risk, no questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee!

Order The Perfect Impact System and start watching right away on our membership site.
If, for any reason or for no reason at all, you aren’t completely satisfied just let us know and I’ll personally guarantee you a complete and prompt refund… And you can do this for up to a FULL 2 MONTHS AFTER YOUR ORDER!
No questions asked.
No hassles or forms to fill out. Nothing to send back in the mail. No problems at all.
How can I afford to offer this?
I’ve seen thousands of students transform their games using the techniques I teach in the Perfect Impact System.
And I’m pretty darned confident it will work wonders for your game as well.
Listen, I understand it might be your first time buying golf instruction on the internet. And you might be wondering can I really learn online? Or could this really be as good as it sounds?
Which is why I took all of the risk out of it by including the money-back guarantee.[/text_block]

Just wish to add that I joined your website a month ago and I’ve been practicing after watching your videos many times. I’ve never had such great results so quickly – improved ball flight and distance. I’ve had lessons in the past with many teachers, mostly with negative results. Our season is at a close up here in Toronto Canada. This gives me the whole winter to improve my swing, based on your lessons. Thanks so much for simplifying what others make so complicated.
Looking forward to next year’s season
Bruce Cooke
Just wanted to send out a big thank you for helping my golf game. I watched the beginning videos a couple of months ago after joining, where I mainly focused on the plane and grip position. I played 18 a few weeks later and shot an 87. I could have easily shot 80 if my wedges and putter were working as well as my driver and long irons were that day. Anyway, I have always knew my game was close to being a low 80’s player, but did not know how to figure it out until I saw the videos by Tom.
Thank you for saving my game.
Scott Andrews
The lessons are clear, easy to follow, and informative. I had developed a frustrating shank so I took your advice and watched the video on the set up. I made some small adjustments to my ball position and alignment, and presto! No more shanks!
Suzanne Evans
Tom, I’m in my late 60s now and have been forced to cut back on my golf due to back pain and stiffness. Well what I found is with the swing you teach, I am able to generate more power while still feeling like I’m swinging easier. It’s been much easier on my back and has allowed me to play an extra 18 each week without paying the price the next day.
Thanks for helping me get back to my passion!
Nicholas M, Atlanta
I play golf twice a month with the same guys… we all shoot in the high 80′s most of the time.
We always play for something, just to keep it fun and competitive. I saw your program advertised and the impact factors you talked about made a lot of sense. I purchased and started watching 20 minutes of video every night and working on the changes about once or twice a week at the range.
I FELT like I was hitting the ball much crisper but hadn’t played so I wasn’t sure.
Well anyways, I played yesterday with the “gang” and I dropped an 81! I could have been even lower but I was really nervous since I’ve never shot in the 70′s.
I have NEVER hit the ball that well, especially off the tee. That was only one round but it was my best ever and it seems the “impact factors” changed by swing for the better.
I’ll keep you posted on the next round and hopefully can repeat that 81 and maybe even lower. I have never had that much fun playing golf. Thank you!
If you’re ever in Scottsdale, love to buy you a round at the Royal Troon North.
Dean G, Scottsdale, AZ
After watching your videos I am able to hit the fairways more often. It has give me a new confidence on the tee.
Your system works!
Richard Lee, Los Angeles, CA
I really love the practice bonus. After watching I spent a couple hours on the green down at my club, trying the methods you talked about. Well I have to say it started paying dividends almost immediately.
I’m starting to really understand how to play different lies and shots around the green. It’s like I’m developing an instinct for how to get up and down.
Kevin T
Coach Tom delivered a wonderful presentation that ANY level of golfer can find improvement.
I know that he helped me understand that ball position is critical and also having level shoulders will make it a breeze splashing shots from the sand. I look forward to more online series.
I have been a weekend golfer for 8 years. I mostly shoot in the mid 90s with an occasional round in the high 80s. For the last couple years I felt like I had hit a plateau… no matter what I did I just couldn’t get my scores down any lower. And I tried everything. I got a membership at my local range, I tried a bunch of training aids, and I took some private lessons.
Then I purchased the perfect impact system. I don’t know what it was but it just *clicked* for me. For the first time I had a crystal clear idea of what to focus on and where I needed to go with my swing.
Well after a few weeks of practice I have officially blasted through my plateau! Last week I had my best round ever (by 6 strokes!) and broke 80 for the first time.
Tom, thanks for the lessons! Can’t wait to see how low I can go!
Andy B, Orlando, FL
Wow, what a deal for people like myself, 100% disabled retired Electrician and Vietnam vet—–First let me say thanks and let you know much I appreciate this
Thank you very much for your time and effort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just wanted to say, great help, really sound and practical advice!! I only started playing 5 months ago at the ripe age of 54!! People have told me I am too old, but with you guys I’ll get there!!!
Once again many thanks!!
Awesome instruction! Easy to understand. Helping to reduce strokes already.

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