How to Hit a Draw for Maximum Length off the Tee…
In the last email we revealed the results of our recent survey where we asked what was causing the most frustration in your game…
Then we announced that we were creating a training series to cover these exact topics…
The first topic was consistency, and we talked about that in the video we sent out a couple of days ago. (By the way, I’d like to take a quick second to thank everyone who emailed or left a comment below the last video… I love hearing your feedback and am glad so many of you enjoyed the lesson!)
Now there is much, much more to be said on consistency, but today we are going to touch on the 2nd most popular answer on our surveys… more distance.
And as golfers ourselves we can relate!
There is nothing quite like the feeling of smacking a great drive and watching it soar high in the air as it splits the fairway…
Cutting the corner on that big dog leg…
Or having a chance at hitting that long par 4 or even par 5 in two.
And let’s not forget the high-fives from the rest of your foursome!
Well when it comes to hitting monster drives Tom has developed a 5-step system…
It’s a system that anyone can follow – no matter their age, current playing level, or body type – to get the most yards out of their swing.
Step 1 is all about controlling your curvature, and getting rid of a slice…
Take a look![/text_block]
Thanks for watching!
Give it a try for yourself… I want to prove to you that you can pick up more distance no matter where your game is currently at.
And let me know what you thought about today’s video in the comments below![/text_block]