2 Weird Tricks for More Fairways

2 Weird Tips for More Fairways…


Ok so those 2 tips will help you out the next time you need to hit a tight fairway. But if you want to really improve your accuracy, the key is getting control over your impact position.

If you want to learn a whole lot more, be sure to check out Tom’s Perfect Impact System training program!

Click Here to Learn About the Perfect Impact System

2 Responses to 2 Weird Tricks for More Fairways

  1. Toby July 27, 2016 at 5:48 pm #

    Great clip! Can you show one on how to hit a draw?

  2. Matt spenner July 24, 2017 at 4:12 pm #

    Great video but I’m a left hand golfer so I need to do everything the other way.

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